Sanding, Grinding and Deburring
JM Fabrication is aware that metal polishing is necessary for a part to be finished. We are prepared to handle any of your metal finishing needs, whether they include sanding and grinding, applying chromate to aluminum, or deburring a sharp edge. With a wide range of in-house metal finishing capabilities and a strong network of subcontractor suppliers, we can deliver finished metal components that are tailored to your needs.
Metal sanding is a metals finish done manually or using appropriate machinery such as hand sanders or belt sanders, which means passages on abrasive belts, coarse and then gradually finer grains, until the desired level of smoothness is achieved. Once these porosities and irregularities have been wiped out from the outward layer, the materials are ready for later preparation phases. The standard belts used are 80/120/180/220 grit, depending on the needs of the customer. After the first sanding procedure, certain clients demand an extra softening of the grain finish, which is achieved using a surface conditioning belt. Customers often require this degree of finish on outer plates or pieces for products in military, aerospace, telecommunications, and medical device sectors.
Grinding is a method of reducing the size of hard materials and is generally accomplished in several stages. Grinding can be done wet or dry, depending on the process in use. Grinding can produce very fine finishes and very accurate dimensions. It is usually better suited to the machining of very hard materials than is “regular” machining.
In a wide range of machining or manufacturing operations, the part or piece develops sharp edges called burrs. These must be removed in a different work phase, where the precise contact force is also important.